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royal society (英國)皇家學會。

royal stag

Since 1972 the starling population has plummeted from about twenty million to ten million , says richard gregory of the royal society for the protection of birds . “ there is no sign of recovery , ” he adds 1972年以來,其數量已從約2000萬只銳減到1000萬只,皇家鳥類保護學會的理查?德?格雷戈里說, “目前毫無好轉的跡象。 ”

Dr claire conway , author of the study , which was published in the proceedings of the royal society on wednesday , said that maintaining eye contact and smiling makes you more attractive 該研究的負責人克萊爾?考恩威博士說,微笑著凝視對方的眼睛能增強你的吸引力。該研究結果于本周三在《英國皇家學會學報》上發表。

The concept of a body so massive that not even light could escape from it was put forward by the english geologist john michell in a 1783 paper sent to the royal society 甚至如此龐大質量的物體以致于甚至光不能從它那里的逃脫概念由英國地質學者約翰?米切爾于1783年在寄往(英國)皇家學會的論文中提出來。

A case in point is that in uk , the royal society for the protection of birds is managing a 200 ha bird sanctuary in lakenheath , one of the largest man - made bird habitats in the world 就有一個人造的雀鳥保護區,面積達二百公頃,是全世界最大的人造雀鳥保護區之一,現正由英國皇家雀鳥保護學會管理。

It builds on my existing royal society project with xiamen university , where our expertise in advanced communications protocols will underpin many of the activities of the network . 這是基于我們現有的與廈門大學合作的皇家學會項目,我們在先進通信協議方面的專長將為該網絡的諸多事務提供支持。 ”

The study , which appears in the latest issue of the journal proceedings of the royal society of london , was funded by national geographic and the national science foundation 報道說,這一研究是由美國國家地理和美國國家科學基金會資助的。研究成果被發表在最新一期的倫敦皇家學會學報雜志上。

Dr liao is a fellow of the hong kong institution of engineers and the royal society of chemistry , u . k . she is an honorary professor of the civil engineering department of the university of hong kong 廖博士是香港工程師學會院士、英國皇家化學院院士及香港大學土木工程系榮譽教授。

She and her colleagues have attempted to reconcile the sometimes conflicting results obtained by previous researchers in a paper just published in the proceedings of the royal society 她和她的同事一直在努力協調剛剛在皇家學會學報上發表的一篇論文中相互沖突的研究結果。

When i spoke at the royal society in may 2002 , i talked about the strength of our biotechnology industry and our plans for supporting the emerging nanotechnology industry 2002年5月在皇家學會的演講中,我談到了我們生物技術產業的實力以及支持新興的納米技術產業的計劃。

He was speaking ahead of the presentation of britain ' s highest scientific award , the royal society ' s copley medal , previously granted to charles darwin and albert einstein 他是在獲頒英國最高科學獎皇家科普萊獎章前作此表示,這項獎之前曾頒給達爾文和愛因斯坦。

There has been a lot of publicity about the new science gcse . it has been developed with the support of many eminent scientists , including the royal society 對于新的普通中學畢業科學考試已做了很多宣傳工作,它已經得到包括皇家學會在內的許多杰出科學家的支持。

Last year , she was awarded a centenary lectureship by the united kingdom s royal society of chemistry in recognition of her research contributions to inorganic chemistry 而在去年,任教授榮獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎,以表揚她在無機化學研究的貢獻。

“ we found it in both the men and women which was quite a surprise to us , “ said nettle , who reported the finding in the journal “ the proceedings of the royal society 對此,耐特博士表示: “我們發現,男性和女性中都存在著這種情況,這讓我們非常吃驚。 ”

The authors of the study , in a royal society of medicine journal , say this could be one reason why richer patients tend to receive better care 研究作者在皇家醫學協會期刊說,這可能是較有錢的病患受到較好照顧的一個原因。

Nevertheless , the link between the fields lingers on in the name of one of the royal society ' s journals , philosophical transactions 然而,這兩門學科的聯系仍然存在于皇家協會一本期刊里, 《哲學學報》 。

Last week , the royal society , britain ' s top scientific academy , held a two - day conference on the science of well - being 上周,英國最負盛名的科學院英國皇家學會召開了一次為期兩天的會議,探討幸福。

She became a fellow of the royal society of chemistry in 1995 and fellow of the hong kong institution of engineers in 1996 她分別于1996和1995年成為香港工程師學會院士及英國皇家化學學院院士。

Hui led the research , which will be published in the july 7 issue of the proceedings of the royal society b 由周輝領銜負責的該研究的結果將發表于7月7號出版的《英國皇家學會學報:生物科學》 。

Hui led the research , which will be published in the july 7 issue of the proceedings of the royal society b 周惠領導著這次研究,其成果將被發表在《皇家社會研究學刊b 》的七月七日一期上。